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June 28, 2021 • General

Growing companies can’t see their business footprint expand very far without complementary growth in their vehicle/equipment fleets and their material inventories. And we at Firebreak understand that as these physical investments grow, the difficulty of keeping up with them grows simultaneously. That’s why Firebreak software was specifically designed with supervisory utilities to oversee your assets and make keeping up with them as easy a task as it’s ever been.

The Fleet Management functionality of Firebreak offers users the ability to manage and track equipment assets from every stage of life – from procurement to retirement. In this pursuit, Firebreak allows you to digitally record individual equipment-specific details such as current storage location, current employee driver/operator, manufacturer’s documents, and standard operating procedures. With the click of a button, users can also set automatic email reminders concerning both past due and scheduled vehicle and equipment service dates.

In addition to overseeing your fleet, Firebreak steps in to solve the time-consuming and frustrating problems associated with Inventory Management. There’s no doubt that any company, let alone one with its eyes set on corporate growth, faces an immense task in accurately recording the current state of its inventory. Firebreak helps alleviate such related stresses by keeping accessible and intuitive records of every single product and/or piece of material you buy and sell. Real-time quantities are automatically updated as jobs that use inventory materials are completed, which fundamentally prevents inadvertent stock shortages in your warehouse or storage room.


If you’re curious about any of the above functionalities, be sure to contact us to secure a demo, or if you have any further questions.


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